If you’re feeling…
Overwhelmed at the thought of AAC and how to start implementing it properly
Concerned because a child on your caseload has plateaued and isn’t making progress
Tired of watching webinars and reading blogs to figure out what to do
You’ll walk away with…
Next steps to start implementing immediately for your toughest clients
Prioritized goal targets to maximize your client’s progress
Engaging activity ideas + resources you can begin integrating into your sessions
Technology guidance on how to best support your client’s use of augmented alternative communication (AAC)
Testimonials from Happy CLINICIANS
“In terms of working with students with AAC, I was starting to feel stuck on where to go moving forward. I felt like I had a starting point but was not sure how to progress after that. I am so new to the field and sometimes feel insecure or afraid to ask questions. Rachel did not make me feel insecure at all and really helped me find the information I was looking for. Rachel is an extremely knowledgeable and experienced clinician and yet also laid back and enjoys a good laugh! I think she did an awesome job and was super helpful.”
- Alison B., speech-language pathologist
"Before my consultation with Rachel, I wasn't sure what to do for a client I recently began seeing. She helped me figure out a starting point and develop a plan for my client, and I was so thankful! I gained a wealth of knowledge that I didn't have before, and it helped me feel confident in my therapy and gain a better understanding of AAC. She doesn't follow a cookie cutter approach but instead takes each individual child into account. She is so positive and inspirational!"
- Cynthia B., speech-language pathologist
About a coaching call with Rachel and Chris: “They were super encouraging and made me feel like I knew what I was talking about. They also helped me to figure out next steps by guiding me to answers, not just saying "here's what we think you should do". It was such an awesome experience.”
- Nikki S., speech-language pathologist
Rachel has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and videos to show us all how she does it! The highlight of coaching was being able to present "case studies" and typical sessions showing my materials and getting feedback on them. It was concrete and helpful advice that immediately made my practice as an SLP better. Rachel is very approachable, friendly, open and a great resource.
-Ereeni R., speech-language pathologist (CFY)
Rachel was so knowledgeable and approachable. She took time to answer questions, review case studies, share her personal videos, and share her resources. She also provided me with great background knowledge and "debunked" some common AAC myths. I left working with Rachel feeling like I had some engaging resources and ideas that I was excited about!
- Alexis A., speech-language pathologist